Mark Eldaief, MD
Dr. Eldaief is a clinical neuroscientist interested in better understanding how maladaptive brain states, measured with resting-state functional connectivity, promote the manifestation of specific neuropsychiatric symptoms (e.g. apathy, anhedonia, anxiety, disinhibition). He is specifically interested in intrinsic corticolimbic networks anchored in prefrontal cortex and interconnected to regions involved in affective processing such as: amygdala, hippocampal formation, frontoinsular cortex, ventral and dorsal striatum, orbitofrontal and peri-genual cingulate cortex. Dr. Eldaief’s work investigates how these corticolimbic circuits dynamically change across timescales, with different processing demands, and in response to directed neuromodulation. To examine this, he has adopted multimodal experimental approaches which combine transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) with resting-state MRI and positron emission tomography (PET).